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Dear parents and carers
We have had a wonderful first full week at school, with the children really being very enthusiastic about their learning.
The news about Queen Elizabeth has saddened us all and today we had a very short assembly thinking about her life, which children from Y1 to Y6 attended. We have been talking about being the best we can be this week, and we focussed on how the Queen herself dedicated her time to being the best she could. My understanding is that schools will be closed on the day of the funeral, unless it is at the weekend, but we have no confirmation of this yet. I will let you know as soon as I know.
PSFA Sunflower competition
I am delighted to announce the winners of the Sunflower competition which the PSFA ran this summer. A £10 book token has been given to the following children…
Poppy Colston, for the most heads on a stem
Daisy Quail, for the biggest sunflower head (19cm diameter!)
Joseph Parker, for the tallest sunflower (270cm!!)
It’s not unusual to have a list of reminders at the start of the school year – here are this weeks!
Earrings – children are able to wear small studs only to school. On days when they have PE, these should either be removed, or covered in micropore tape. Please provide tape for such occasions.
Pokemon cards should not be brought into school
Parking! A local resident from Station Road has called this week to ask that we do not park in front of her house – please be mindful of all residents who live around us, on any road. It is really important that we park safely, and that residents are able to access their property.
School Meals
Hopefully everyone will have received the new menu which was sent out earlier this week. From October 1st, we will be stopping school provided sandwiches, with the aim that everyone has a hot meal. The choices for hot meals are wide ranging, including the new option of tomato pasta, which is available every day. Of course, if you still wish to provide a packed lunch for your child that is ok too. Lunches are payable from Years 3 to 6 and now cost £2.20 per day.
Please find attached a list of the after school clubs that will be running in terms 1 & 2. Forms should be completed and returned to the office by Wednesday 14th September. Clubs will start week commencing Monday 19th September.
Congratulations to the following children who have received the "Champion of the Week" certificate this week:
Hedgehogs - Whole Class, Squirrels - Tom, Owls - Bow, Robins - Daisy, Foxes - Eleanor, Deer - Annabelle, Kingfishers - Freddie, Woodpeckers - Eddison, Otters - Francesca, Badgers - Jacob, Falcons - Joseph, Kestrels - Jacob.
Congratulations to the following children who have received "Hot Chocolate Friday" packs:
Hedgehogs - Maddie, Squirrels - Donte, Owls - Blake, Robins - Grace, Foxes - Charlie, Deer - Zac, Kingfishers - Joseph, Woodpeckers - Rosie, Otters - Alfie-Joe, Badgers - Bella, Falcons - Paige, Kestrels - Tyler.