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Dear parents/carers
I appreciate that this week may have been unsettling for some of you, with our first confirmed case of Covid, impacting on the closure of Y6 classes. Whilst this is not what we wanted, I have to say the whole team dealt with the situation brilliantly, as did the Year 6 parents. Thank you! Please remain vigilant for the signs of Covid – the persistent cough, the high temperature and/or loss of smell/taste; if you or your child displays any of these please go for a test at the earliest opportunity.
School Values:
I am delighted to tell you that we have agreed with the school governors what our new values should be. This has been a community effort, with children, staff and parents all being canvassed for their thoughts. Three of the list given by the children were runaway winners when we looked at staff and parental responses!
We have RESPECT, KINDESS and CURIOSITY as our new values; we are now tweaking the school aims and our curriculum to make sure everything we do comes back to these core values, along with being ‘ready to learn’ and ‘safe at all times.’ Thank you to everyone who offered their ideas and thoughts on this.
An example of kindness!
Thanks must also go to Mr and Mrs Ford, who live locally, and have kindly donated £1000 to purchase two laptops for the use of vulnerable children in our school. We are ‘blown away’ by their donation and thank them very much!
Christmas began in earnest this week at the Tynings, with our lovely Christmas dinner. Thanks must go to Lisa, our kitchen manager and her team, and also to the PFSA who donated crackers and Christmas hats for everyone and also decorated the hall for us. It was delicious!
Gifts for staff
Some parents have asked if it is still ok for their children to give their teachers a Christmas gift. Whilst no one expects a gift and you are absolutely under no obligation to give one, the staff will happily accept them and place anything into quarantine before opening.
Party Lunch
Next Friday, the last day of Term 2 we will be having our Christmas Party Lunch. The children will have burger and chips in a box (meat or veggie) or they can bring in their packed lunch.
This week we said goodbye to the lovely Mrs Hopkins, our Year 4 teaching assistant. We wish her all the very best at her new school.
Polite reminder!
Please can you make sure your children are not riding their bikes or scooters on the school grounds. There was a nasty incident last week, which could have resulted in a serious injury. Thank you
Please see the attached letter from CSET, regarding the proposed changes to the Trust’s admission arrangements to take effect from September 2022.
Mrs Weeks and Squirrel class give their book recommendations this week.
Mrs Weeks loves 'Betty and the Yeti' by Ella Burfoot
"I love reading 'Betty and the Yeti' to my Grandchildren as it is one of their favourite books and always comes out at Christmas. It’s not only about a strange creature who usually scares everyone but also about friendship and kindness. Just what we need at this time of year."
Congratulations to the following children who received "Champion of the Week" certificates:
Hedgehog - Esme, Squirrel - Freya, Owl - Max, Deer - Zac, Fox - Fletcher, Bat - Rose, Badger - Erin, Kingfisher - Riley Woodpecker - Zoe, Otter - Daniel, Pine Marten - Maisie.
Congratulations to the following children who received "Hot Chocolate Friday" tokens:
Hedgehog - Alfie, Squirrel - Leo, Owl - Iman, Deer - Lexi, Fox - Summer, Bat - William, Badger - Gus, Kingfisher - Max, Woodpecker - James M, Otter - Kiera, Pine Marten - Ryan.