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Dear parents / carers
What a week! Christmas feels like forever ago, and my goodness how hard have you and the staff worked to make sure children are still learning! Thank you all so much for your perseverance, diligence and support in what is a very testing situation, when at the beginning of the week we had no idea that we would once again be in lockdown.
Once again, if you are having any issues, for whatever reason, please keep in touch with us so that we can continue to support you.
Attendance in school
For those of you who are critical workers, a place is available for your child if you need it. This does not mean you have to take it! We are conscious that the Prime Minister’s message now is ‘Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives’ so if your children are able to stay at home because one or more parents are there, then they should. If you have a place in school, your child does not have to be in every day, for example if you work part-time. We know it is very difficult to follow the government’s rules, but if we are to reduce the transmission of the virus, we all have to do our bit!
Remote learning
I cannot thank you enough for the efforts you have made to set up home learning. We do know it is difficult, and we know there are teething problems, both from your point of view and ours. We are working on making this as easy for you as possible.
The government have said that we must provide 3 hours of learning for children in EYFS and KS1, and 4 hours for KS2 children. It should also match what the children would be doing if they were in school. This is what the class teachers are aiming for. We also know that sometimes it is just not possible for you to be there to teach your children, that most of you are not teachers – and that managing these expectations can be difficult. All we ask of you is that you do your best. We know that you might not necessarily be able to do everything, but I have to say, the majority of children look to be doing really well in their home learning, so thank you. We will be making calls to families where children have not carried out any learning – these are intended to be supportive and find out what more we can do to help you, so please don’t be offended when we call. Please, just do what you can.
Did you know (did you want to know!?) that Goggle Classroom can be accessed using a PlayStation or Xbox, or Smart TV? These guidelines may be of use to you…..
Inset Days
Due to the current lockdown, we need to change the date of the Inset Day that we would have been having on Friday 12th February. This will now take place on Monday 19th April. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
100 Reads
Please continue reading with your child, using books you may have at home, and Bug Club, which teachers are sending you login details for. Please also carry on recording when your child is reading on their 100 Reads cards. Once they have achieved 100 reads, please email in to let myself and the class teacher know and I will add your child to my list so that they can choose a book when we are fully open. We don’t want them to miss out!
School Crossing Patrol
We have been advised by South Glos Road Safety Team, that Derek, our school crossing patrol will not be on duty until further notice. They are unable to cover his duties, so please do take care when crossing Station Road.
Congratulations to the following children who have received the "Champion of the Week" certificate for online learning:
Hedgehogs - Finlay, Squirrels - Leo, Owls - Nolan, Deer - Bronwen, Foxes - Alfie, Bats - Whole class, Badgers - Whole class, Kingfishers - Kallan, Woodpeckers - Will, Otters - Kiera, Pine Martens - Sonny, Falcons - Ethan, Kestrels - Sam.
Congratulations to the following children who have received "Hot Chocolate Friday" packs:
Hedgehogs - Toby, Squirrels - Ronnie, Owls - Sophia, Year 2 - Maja, Year 3 - Lily, Year 4 - Lilly, Year 5 - Freya, Year 6 - Freya.