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Dear parents and carers
Year 3 have contributed to the community this week, with their big litter pick. It was brilliant to have the children out around the school and to hear the lovely comments from passers-by. Thank you Year 3!
MAD Olympiad
The annual sports competition between local schools was postponed earlier this year, but now it is back! On Thursday morning, Year 3 children will be competing in a range of field and track events, and in the afternoon, our athletics squad from Y4, 5, and 6 classes will take part. Sadly, parents are not able to join us this time, but I know you will wish all of our competitor’s good luck – let’s hope we bring back a trophy or two!
Reading for Pleasure
We love it when children read, or are read to by parents and carers. Don’t forget, every time your child reads at home, to initial and date their card at the back of their reading diary. The children receive rewards for 30, 50 and 100 reads….choosing a special book from my office when they have reached 100!
Fundraising actions!
One of our parents, Amy Hartland, is running the virtual London marathon on Sunday 3rd October to raise money for the much-loved Page Park. If you would like to support Amy’s endeavours, please donate via Good luck Amy!
You can give us feedback at any time via the Ofsted ‘Parent View’ link. We are expecting to have an inspection this year, so it would be really helpful to have your thoughts on the school via the following link, especially if you have lots of positive things to say!!
You can, of course, always come and talk to me, or Mrs Berger, if there are any queries you have or concerns you wish to share. It’s good to hear the positives too.
School meals
Our fabulous kitchen manager, Mrs Derrick, is doing her best to make sure she has the food for the advertised menu, but there are some issues with supplies, which might mean that the menu changes at short notice. Please accept our apologies for this.
Closure of section of the Bristol-Bath Railway Path
Between the 27th September and 4th October 2021, the Bristol/Bath railway path will be temporarily closed to undertake resurfacing works. The proposed closure will be from the access ramp on Signal Road, Staple Hill eastwards and terminate at Ridley Avenue, Mangotsfield. Please take care on your journey to school and note the dates of closure. Thank you
Afterschool Club
Just a further reminder that afterschool provision closes at 6pm. In emergencies, if you are unavoidably late, please call 07760 234 951. Lateness can lead to a further charge for the time your children are in school. Thank you
Parking around the school
Another reminder! Please park carefully around the school, and within the rules of the Highway Code. Local residents are concerned about our parents parking on double yellow lines, on corners and on the pavements. We have contacted the local police to support us with ensuring the local area is safe for everyone.
Afterschool Activity Clubs
Thanks to those who have returned their club requests; letters are being sent out to let your child know if they have secured a place – if you do not get one of this, it means that on this occasion they have not been successful because it was oversubscribed. We will be changing groups each half term/term, so look out for this. Netball and hockey have been very undersubscribed, so we will not be running these two clubs for the time being.
As you are aware we have had to make a few changes to the published menu over the last couple of weeks. As a result Aspens, our caterers, have sent this statement:-
"No doubt you will have seen in the media about the lack of HGV drivers and general resources to operate supply chains. This is causing nationwide shortages of food for supermarkets, restaurants, takeaway outlets and hospitality providers such as ourselves.
We are working hard to keep any changes to a minimum and we thank you for your patience while the supply chain stabilises."
We will of course continue to let you know should there be any changes to our menus in light of the above statement.
Congratulations to the following children who have received the "Champion of the Week" certificate this week:
Hedgehogs - Bow, Squirrels - Tommy, Owls - Junior, Robins - Ruby, Deer - Esmee, Foxes - Nathan, Bats - Emily, Badgers - Reece, Kingfishers - Jakiydah, Woodpeckers - Rose, Otters - Kayla, Pine Martens - Millie, Falcons - Ben, Kestrels - Tobias.
Congratulations to the following children who have received "Hot Chocolate Friday" packs:
Hedgehogs - Blake, Squirrels - Cleo, Owls - Franklin, Robins - Max, Deer - Kieran, Fox - Amelia, Bats - Veda, Badgers - Lana, Kingfishers - Luke, Woodpeckers - Hannah, Otters - Annie-Mae, Pine Martens - Kallie, Falcons - Daniel, Kestrels - Amelie.