Hedgehog, Squirrel & Owl (EYFS/Year 1) Classes


Welcome to Hedgehog, Squirrel & Owl Classes

Hedgehogs teacher is Mrs Howells. Our teaching assistant team is Miss Andrews, Mrs Thomas and Miss Burchill.

Squirrels teachers are Mrs Perry and Mrs Britton. Our teaching assistant team is Mrs Millard, Mrs Barr, Miss Sims, Miss Burchill and Miss Reed. 

Owls teachers are Mrs Leach and Mrs Glanville. Our teaching assistant team is Mrs Shearing, Mrs Thomas and Miss Andrews.

Hedgehogs, Squirrels and Owls are all mixed EYFS and Y1 classes.

P.E. days are Monday and Friday. Please wear P.E. uniform to school on these days.

We collect in ALL reading books on MONDAYS. Please ensure that you return your child's reading book to school each Monday. Any lost or damaged reading books that are not returned after a reminder will be charged for at £5 per book. A new one will be given each THURSDAY after our 3 reading practice sessions in school. Book bags should be in school every day.

Follow our EYFS and Y1 Twitter page to share and celebrate our amazing learning at special points this year.


Important Information:

Term 4 - 2023-24

We will begin Term 4 by taking part in a whole school "Acceptance and Kindness" mini topic. We will base our learning around the key text "Mixed" by Arree Chung and explore the themes of accepting others for our differences and kindness to others. We will be starting "Commando Joe's" this term during our P.E. sessions, exploring the themes of team work, communication and collaboration through a series of challenges that we complete together. PSHE will also be a strong focus during this mini topic and throughout the term, where our PSHE JIGSAW units will be exploring themes such as healthy relationships with others. Acceptance and kindness make up a strong part of this throughout all of our learning this term.

Our Term 4 topic for the rest of this term is called "Bristol and Flight." This topic will have a History and Geography focus linked the history of aviation, it's significance to Bristol and the geography of Bristol and our local area.
We will be enjoying a school trip to Bristol Aerospace Museum in Filton to support our topic learning.
We will learn our topic through telling our own story about a flying enthusiast called "Emma-Jane", like the girl from the story of "Emma-Jane's Aeroplane" by Katie Haworth and Daniel Rieley. We will discover how she learns about the history of flight through artefacts she finds belonging to her grandparents, who were related to significant people in the history of flight like Amelia Earhart and the Montgolfier brothers!

Phonics and Reading
Please see attached for details of the phonics that EYFS and Year 1 are learning this term. These documents will also come home in your child's Phonics Home Learning Folder each week. Please revisit this learning with your child and practice reading the words and tricky words related to each week.
Reading is so important and is our big focus for our cohort of children.


We have daily story time and read for pleasure with our classes. Here are a list of 50 recommended reads for EYFS and Year 1. We use many of these in our classrooms too.


EYFS are focusing on letter families in handwriting. We have four main types of letter as shown on the posters below. Practising writing our letters in families helps us to form them correctly, starting and finishing in the right place. Please see Term 3's information further down the page for the formation phrases to support letter formation.

Year 1 will be focusing on ascenders and descenders in handwriting. We use the phrases of "ground, grass and sky" letters to help us remember that some letters sit in the grass, some reach up high to the sky and some dig down under the ground. This helps us with our letter size and presentation. (Please note that we do not add the flick at the end of the letter "o"", "v" or "w".)

In Term 4 EYFS will be learning about finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. We will be writing simple sentences by saying them out loud and segmenting sounds in each word. At this stage it does not matter if words are spelled correctly, as long as the children are using the phonics sounds they know to spell them. For example, the word "name" is ok to spell as "naim" as the children know the digraph /ai/ from their phonics.

In Year 1 we will be continuing to focus on the correct spelling of the Year 1 Common Exception words. These are the words that children should be able to spell correctly by the end of Year 1. We would love your support with practising these at home.

This term we will also be continuing Colourful Semantics and Drawing Club to develop our writing. We will be weaving Colourful Semantics and Drawing Club through our key texts this term.

Colourful Semantics focuses on sentence composition using different types of word to make a sentence. We will be adding blue "where" words to our sentences this term. A Colourful Semantics sentence example for this term might be:

"I feel happy with you."

We will be rehearsing and writing Colourful Semantics sentences about our key texts "Mixed" and "Here We Are" and about our school trip to Bristol Aerospace.

Drawing Club focuses on meaningful mark-making and developing creativity and joy in writing. We will use inspiring stories and animations and play with ideas and words during our Drawing Club sessions to develop independence and confidence in writing. This term in Drawing Club we will be using the key text "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury to link to our geography learning about mapping and journeys. We will also be using "The Little Red Hen" as our "Tale from the Story Cupboard" and we will be using the animation "Popeye" to finish our Drawing Club term!


In Power Maths this term, EYFS will be working on the units:

Number bonds to 10

This unit will link to the EYFS maths objectives of:

Having a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number.

Automatically recalling (without reference to rhymes, counting or other aids) number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10, including double facts.



This unit will link to the EYFS maths objectives of:

Having a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number.

Automatically recalling (without reference to rhymes, counting or other aids) number bonds up to 5 (including subtraction facts) and some number bonds to 10, including double facts.


Exploring patterns

This unit will link to the EYFS Exploring and Using Media and Materials objective of:

Safely using and exploring a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.

In Power Maths this term, Year 1 will be working on the units:

Numbers to 50

This will link to the Year 1 maths objectives of:

Counting to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number

Counting, reading and writing numbers to 100 in numerals; counting in multiples of twos, fives and tens

Identifying and representing numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least

Recognising the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones)

When given a number, identifying one more and one less


Introducing length and height

This will link to the Year 1 maths objectives of:

Comparing, describing and solving practical problems for:

lengths and heights [for example, long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, double/half]

Measuring and beginning to record the following:

lengths and heights


Introducing mass and capacity

This will link to the Year 1 maths objectives of:

Comparing, describing and solving practical problems for:

mass/weight [for example, heavy/light, heavier than, lighter than]

capacity and volume [for example, full/empty, more than, less than, half, half full, quarter]

Measuring and beginning to record the following:


capacity and volume

Please see the Power Maths calculation policies below to see how you can support your child when they are adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

Useful Websites

https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/- Little Wandle Phonics support for parents

https://www.booksfortopics.com/booklists/books-of-the-month-2022/ - Books of the Month

https://whiteroseeducation.com/1-minute-maths - Link for downloading a fantastic 1 Minute Maths App. Great for maths fluency.

Thank you all for your continued support. Please remember we are always here to talk! You can catch us at the gate (although if we are greeting or saying goodbye to the children we ask for your patience with this, as their safety and wellbeing are our first priority.) You can also phone or email the office to reach us this way.


Important Information:

Term 3 - 2023-24

Following the above Phonics meeting, as of mid-term 3, we will be changing ALL reading books on MONDAYS. Please ensure that you return your child's reading book to school each Monday. A new one will be given each THURSDAY after our 3 reading practice sessions in school. Book bags, books and reading records should be in school every day.

Please see attached Power Point for information on these changes to home reading.

Our Term 3 topic is called "Hot and Cold." This topic will have a Science and Geography focus linked to our world.
In Science we will be learning about the 4 seasons and their characteristics including day length and and weather patterns, different types of weather and how the seasons and weather impact our environment.
In Geography we will be using maps to understand about where we live and to locate hot and cold countries around the world. We will also be learning about climate and seasonal patterns across the globe.
We will learn our topic through telling our own story about a penguin like the penguin from the story of "Lost and Found" by Oliver Jeffers and how he encouters different places, seasons and weather patterns across our world on his adventure.
Our key texts for our "Hot and Cold" topic are shown below.

Phonics and Reading
Please see attached for details of the phonics that EYFS and Year 1 are learning this term. These documents will also come home in your child's Phonics Home Learning Folder each week. Please revisit this learning with your child and practice reading the words and tricky words related to each week.
Reading is so important and is our big focus for our cohort of children.



As we progress with our fine motor skills and phonics knowledge, EYFS are now focusing increasingly on letter formation. Please see below for how to support your child with forming their letters correctly. In Term 3 we will be beginning to develop our caption writing in meaningful contexts such as writing about a picture from one of our key texts. Some examples of our captions this term may be:

"a duck in the bath"

"a red hat."

In Year 1 we will be having an increased focus on the correct spelling of the Year 1 Common Exception words. These are the words that children should be able to spell correctly by the end of Year 1. We would love your support with practising these at home.

This term we will also be continuing Colourful Semantics and Drawing Club to develop our writing. We will be weaving Colourful Semantics and Drawing Club through our key texts this term.

Colourful Semantics focuses on sentence composition using different types of word to make a sentence. We will be adding green words - NOUNS or "what" words to our sentences this term. A Colourful Semantics sentence example for this term might be:

"The penguin rowed to the South Pole."

We will be rehearsing and writing Colourful Semantics sentences about our topic texts "Lost and Found" and "One Day on our Blue Planet: In the Savannah".


Drawing Club focuses on meaningful mark-making and developing creativity and joy in writing. We will use inspiring stories and animations and play with ideas and words during our Drawing Club sessions to develop independence and confidence in writing. This term in Drawing Club we will be using the key text "Lost and Found" by Oliver Jeffers to link to our "Hot and Cold" topic. We will also be using "The Gingerbread Man" as our "Tale from the Story Cupboard" and we will be using the animation "Wacky Races" to finish our Drawing Club term!


In Power Maths this term, EYFS will be working on the units:

Numbers to 10

Recognising, counting, gaining a deep understanding of the composition of numbers 6,7,8,9,10.

"5 and a bit" - e.g. 7 is 5 and 2 more and representing this on tens frames.

Comparing numbers to 10

More and fewer.

Addition to 10

Using part whole models to combine two groups.


Length, height and weight.

In Power Maths this term, Year 1 will be working on the units:

Numbers to 20

Teen numbers.

Tens and ones.

Representing teen numbers on a tens frame to show "ten and a bit".

Addition and subtraction within 20

Counting on or counting back.

Number bonds.

Doubles and near doubles.

Finding the difference.

Word problems.

Numbers to 50




Counting in 2s and 5s.

Solving word and picture problems.


Term 2 - 2023-24

Our Term 2 topic is called "The House That Once Was." This topic will have a history and science focus linked to toys. We will be learning about how toys were in the past and comparing them to toys today, and we will be designing and making our own toys to fit certain criteria, for example, waterproof toys and toys that float. 
We will be developing our understanding of what "the past" means and learning scientific vocabulary related to materials.

Phonics and Reading
Please see attached for details of the phonics that EYFS and Year 1 are learning this term. These documents will also come home in your child's Phonics Home Learning Folder each week. Please revisit this learning with your child and practice reading the words and tricky words related to each week.
Reading is so important and is our big focus for our cohort of children.



In both year groups we will be continuing to develop our fine motor skills to help strengthen our muscles for writing. We will do this through finger gym, funky fingers tinkering play activities and pencil control and letter formation. 

It is essential that EYFS children can write their names. Please continue to help us with this at home.

Year 1 must also be forming all of their letter correctly. Year 1s have daily handwriting practice.

This term we will also be introducing Colourful Semantics and Drawing Club to develop our writing. We will be weaving Colourful Semantics and Drawing Club through our key texts this term. Our key texts are "Stanley's Stick" by John Hegley and "Lost in the Toy Museum" by David Lucas.

Colourful Semantics focuses on sentence composition using different types of word to make a sentence. We will be starting making "who" and "what doing" sentences, for example "All of the old toys are hiding." We will add different sentence components our writing using Colourful Semantics throughout the year.

Drawing Club focuses on meaningful mark-making and developing creativity and joy in writing. We will use inspiring stories and play with ideas and words during our Drawing Club sessions to develop independence and confidence in writing.


In Power Maths this term, EYFS will be working on the units:

Shape (3D and 2D shapes)

Change within 5 (One more and one less - using "first", "then" and "now" number stories)

Number bonds to 5

Spatial Awareness and positional language.

Year 1 will be working on the units:

Addition within 10 (using part whole models, number lines and tens frames)

Subtraction within 10 (using part whole models, fact families, number lines and tens frames)

2D and 3D shapes

Term 1  - 2023-24

Here are the slides from our Phonics Club workshop for those of you who were unable to attend. Thank you for joining us with this, we hope it was useful!

Here are the slides from our Y1 new parents evening that took place on Wednesday 19th July. if your child is in Year 1 please read this as it contains important information about this academic year.

To start Term 1 we will be doing a mini topic on identity and belonging. Our key text will be Zog and we will also be focusing on The Colour Monster. We will be looking at how Zog is Ready, Respectful and Safe when he goes to Dragon School and how we can be the same, following our school key behaviour values. We will also be linking The Colour Monster to Zog, thinking about when Zog may have been feeling happiness like the yellow colour monster, anger like the red colour monster etc.
We will be continuing to embed The Colour Monster throughout the year to help our children identify and discuss their emotions and to help them regulate these.
We will be thinking about what we are good at and what we have to persevere at, just like Zog.

For the rest of Term 1 our topic will be Real Life Superheroes. Our key texts will be Real Superheroes and Supertato as we look at people who help us in our community and then go into some heroes and villains at the end! We will be learning about the jobs people can do and how our King has an important job in our country.
If you do a job to help in our community, we would love some visitors to come and talk to our classes about their responsibilities. Please come and chat to us!

Phonics and Reading
Please see attached for details of the phonics that EYFS and Year 1 are learning this term. These documents will also come home in your child's Phonics Home Learning Folder each week. We hope you can attend our phonics workshop for parents and carers (invitation at the top of the page) to help you support your child to learn their phonics "first and fast". The world is at their fingertips once they can read!



In both year groups we will be developing our fine motor skills to help strengthen our muscles for writing. We will do this through dough disco with playdough, finger gym, funky fingers tinkering play activities and pencil control and letter formation. 

In EYFS we will be developing our name writing skills, practising this daily.

In Year 1 we will be using our topic books - Zog, Real Superheroes and Supertato - as a stimulus to write. We will be writing lists, captions and sentences and working on using our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops to write independent sentences.


In Power Maths this term, EYFS will be working on the units:

Numbers to 5

Comparing groups within 5

Shape (3D and 2D shapes).

Year 1 will be working on the units:

Numbers to 10

Part-whole within 10

Addition within 10

Subtraction within 10.

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The Tynings Primary Covid Contingency Plan - Nov 2021

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Please click here for our updated Covid Contingency Plan - Nov 2021
Updated Covid Contingency Plan - Nov 2021 https://thetynings.schoolzineplus.co.uk/_file/media/5396/the_tynings_primary_school_covid_continency_summary_nov_2021_v3.docx

Parent Guide to Ordering Uniform

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What to do if you receive a Head Bump notification

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Should the injury be a little more...

Parent Governor

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