We are equipped to deal with minor injuries requiring simple first aid and attention will be given to children taken ill during school hours. Parents of children taken ill will be contacted and asked to take them home. Parents are asked not to send children to school in the morning if it seems likely that they will be unfit to attend lessons.
Children having minor accidents will be treated in school. We send a text to parents for any significant medical attention given in school. A bump to the head will involve a phone call to the parent/carer. For very serious accidents or illnesses, children may need to be taken by car or ambulance to hospital. It is very important that we have an up to date contact address and telephone number for these eventualities.
We do not administer any form of medicine in school as routine unless this is the only way an otherwise fit child can remain in school e.g. Asthmatic cases. In these cases a health care plan is kept for the child. Parents and carers can come to the school to administer short term medication (e.g: antibiotics) where necessary. On occasion, a parent may request that a member of staff administer an over-the-counter medication; this is the choice of a member of staff if they do this. Any medicine must be clearly marked with the child’s name and precise instructions on its administration. Medicines of this nature will be kept in the cabinet in the admin team office, except asthma inhalers that children in Years 5 and 6 can keep on their person.