Our aim is for artistic expression and investigation to engage and inspire children to enjoy, and have the confidence to follow, their passions in life. We aim to promote curiosity, questioning and awareness of diversity through Art. We use Art as a means of inclusion by ensuring that ‘being an artist’ is accessible for all, fostering community links and engagement through whole school projects. We recognise Art as a tool for wellbeing and communication, which we use to support children with emotional regulation, self-esteem, understanding of themselves, respect and empathy for others. We believe that questioning and talking about Art and artefacts is key to developing communication skills and creative thinking in all areas of the curriculum. Our displays of children’s Art are valued across school and used as a powerful tool to promote self-esteem, curiosity and respect for each other’s creative thinking.
Tynings artists are curious and are inspired to respond to life creatively. They communicate their emotions and express themselves through talking about and making art. Creative engagement enables their personal exploration whilst fostering an understanding and respect for the thoughts, ideas and emotions of others.
Art weaves through our curriculum planning and teaching, providing inspiration, stimulus and opportunities to develop oracy and communication skills. We use Art to promote open-questioning and curiosity, for children to develop a greater understanding of themselves, and respect for others.
We ensure that children are exposed to a wide variety of Art media and are given opportunities to experiment with materials and techniques. Artists at The Tynings School experience drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, mixed media and 3D modelling/clay; areas in which they can develop their skills, passions and curiosity. Sketchbooks are used to keep a collection of creative studies, designs and ideas. Our displays showcase children’s work and celebrate creativity; they promote respect for each other’s creative thinking/making and demonstrate learning in cross-curricular themes.

We build portfolios showing photographed exemplars of children’s work, in different Art media, from each year group. Sketchbooks show children’s development of creative ideas and skills. We use plans for progression of skills and techniques in KS1 and KS2 which focus on children’s development in different Art genres and their oral response to Art and artefacts. Cross- curricular books and displays across school make evident the value of Art at The Tynings School.