Our role
Our Role
The role of the PSFA is to raise money for equipment and resources that will enhance our children’s educational experience and the schools’ facilities and of course have a lot of fun whilst we do it!
What we do

Traditionally we organise a disco in the Autumn and Spring, usually late October and February but the children love it so much we may do a third! The main events we hold are the Summer and Christmas Fairs where we need lots of volunteers. Throughout the year we also run various activities such as Lolly Sales, Cake Sales, An Easter Activity, Pre-Loved Uniform sales, Sweet sales and whatever else we can come up with!
How we support
Over the past year we have contributed to a variety of resources and events for the school. Some examples are the Hot Chocolate snuggle up bags, Reading café squash and biscuits, New reading books, School trips, Authors visits, Music sessions, Year 6 leaving gifts and much more…..
How you can help
All these activities are organised by the PSFA and are arranged solely by a small group of volunteers, in their own time, for the benefit and enjoyment of all the children. We cannot run our large events without assistance from volunteers, so when the call comes for help, please sign up. Whether you can spare an hour to help at a disco or you want to join the committee, you will always be welcome. The PTA are also always interested to hear your thoughts so please do attend the PSFA meetings when they are advertised.
2022 and beyond….
2022 was a good year for us and we were able to support the school by providing £10k towards the Multi Use Games Area which we hope the children will enjoy.
For 2023 we have plans to raise funds for OPAL – Outdoor Play and Learning equipment.
We would also like to work with the school to put together a working party that will help maintain the sensory garden area so if we have any green fingers out there and wheelbarrows, we will be in touch in early 2023!
Notice Board in Reception
There is a PSFA notice board in reception which we keep up to date. We also have access to all Year Group Whats App where we send out messages/posters and have a Facebook page
EasyFundraising is a really easy way to raise money for The Tynings PSFA. Just use the easyfundraising site to shop online and get redirected to thousands of retailers like Amazon, eBay, Tesco, John Lewis and Booking.com and when you make a purchase, the retailer sends us a free donation.
You can register to support us (don’t worry, it’s completely free!) and start raising money every time you shop online.

Your School Lottery is a fun and effective way for your school to raise funds. Joining is easy and tickets cost £1. The draw will take place every Saturday night and the winners will be notified directly!
The Tynings winning weekly ticket wins nearly £20 which will increase based on the number of players and everyone is included in the National £25,000 weekly jackpot!!
The PSFA will receive 40% of all ticket sales from supporters that sign up on our page
Just visit www.yourschoollottery.co.uk and search for “The Tynings School”
To Contact us
The best way is through our Facebook page Facebook
We do have an email address: [email protected] and you can also contact us via the school reception with any queries.
Please also look out for the committee members in the playground.
The 2022-23 Committee is as follows:
Natalie Williams – Chair
Audrey Michael – Deputy Chair
Andrew Parker - Secretary
Mike Lewis – Deputy Secretary
Charlotte Bragg - Treasurer