SEND, Inclusion and Accessibility
At the Tynings Primary School, we aim for all our children to achieve their full potential and make progress. All pupils have equality of access to the curriculum, with all staff responding to children’s diverse learning needs and overcoming potential barriers to learning. We strongly believe that every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with SEND.
Across the school, some children need extra support and/ or challenge to consolidate their learning and to enable them to access the curriculum at an appropriate level. The person who oversees this process is Mrs Angela Berger, our school SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator). Mrs Berger can be contacted on 01454 866525 or [email protected]
If you have concerns about your child, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance. They will be able to offer support and guidance, and talk you through the next steps available to you and your child.
The Tynings Inclusion Team
Deputy Head/Inclusion Lead/SENCo - Mrs Angela Berger
Family Support Worker - Mrs Nic Dutton
ELSA - Mrs Amanda Sutherland
Autism Champion - Mr Matthew White and Mrs Amanda Sutherland
Speech and Language interventions - Mrs Gayle Wood
Lunch club provision - Miss Sarah Amour and Mrs Tricia Page
Our SEND governor is Mrs King.
SEND Information Report for Parents and Carers
The purpose of this report is to answer any questions you may have about SEND at The Tynings Primary School. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss anything further, or have any further questions.
Where else can Parents and Carers get support?

South Gloucestershire’s Local Offer is a great source of information on help and support for families and chlldren 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities in the local area. South Glos Local Offer
SEND and You have been providing information, advice and support about SEND to children, young people and their parents and carers for over 30 years. They work hard to ensure that children, young people and their parents or carers get the help they need. (SEND and You was formerly named Supportive Parents). The can be found here:
South Glos Parent Carers is an excellent resource for parents and carers of chidlren with SEND. As well as signposting parents and carers to relevent help, they also provide training to support parents and carers in parenting children with additional needs. South Glos Parent Carers
SEND Policy and Processes at The Tynings
Our SEND policy details how we support pupils with SEND at The Tynings.
We follow the Tynings SEND journey This details the school's SEND processes from the moment intial concerns about a pupil are raised.
SEND Toolkit gives more information about provision for SEND pupils at The Tynings.
Click here to view our SEND profile
Click here to view our SEND report to Governors 2021
Click here to view our SEND report to Governors July 22
Useful Links
ADHD Foundation The ADHD Foundation is a UK neurodiversity charity, offering a strength-based, lifespan service for the 1 in 5 people who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, DCD, Dyscalculia, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome and more.
Community Children's Health Partnership Here you can find out more info about autism. You can also make a referral for your child if you believe they may have autism.
Bristol Autism Support provides help, guidance and support for parents and carers of children with autism (diagnosed or suspected) throughout Bristol, South Glos, North Somerset and BANES.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Young Minds is a charity which supports children, young people and their families with mental health. They have lots of great advice for parents on their website, as well as lots of practical ways to help your child.
Incredible Kids is an inclusive play centre for chidlren with additional needs.
If you have a child aged 0-18 with a disability you may find it helpful to join ‘The Network’, South Gloucestershire’s children's disability register. You may want to sign up if your child has additional care needs. Families on the Network will receive a SEND registration card (formally known as the pink card). This may allow carers free or reduced cost entry to some attractions, activities and events. When you visit places show your registration card to the organisation and ask if they have concessions for carers. Click here if you would like to find out more.