Welcome to Year 1/Year 2
Fox Class:
Miss Curtis
Miss Amor
Owls Class:
Mrs Wilkinson
Robins Class:
Mrs McNeill
Inclusion Assistants across the Y1/Y2 Team:
Mrs Nelmes
Mrs Phillips
Mrs Shearing
Miss Sims
Mrs Thomas
Fox Class:
Miss Nicholls (am)
Ms McCormick (pm)
Owls class:
Bristol Sport (pm)
Robins class:
Miss Nicholls (pm)
Thursday afternoons will alternate throughout the year.
Welcome to a new school year - we are so excited to work together as a team to support your child throughout the year to help them achieve their very best.
Your child can wear their PE kit to school every Monday and Thursday.
Term 1
We will be starting the term with a two-week long project focusing on belonging and helping the children settle into their new classes and supporting them in forming relationships with their peers and adults.
Our key text for this term is a word-less book called 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. Our English priorities for this term are: letter formation and using our writing toolkit to write a sentence that is accurately punctuated.
Year 1 and Year 2 will be taught separately from 9:10 - 10:15 to ensure Phonics, Guided Reading and Mastery in Number are matched to year group expectations.
A phonics book will be sent home every Friday (your child will have read this in school so they can celebrate their success with you). This must be returned the following Tuesday to enable us to send the book home with a different group. A reading for pleasure book will be sent home every Tuesday - this is a book to be shared. Please make sure this book is returned on Tuesdays.
Little Wandle (our phonics programme) has lots of useful videos and resources for parents on the following website:
For parents | Letters and Sounds (littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk)
We start the year with a focus on Place value.
Numbers to 10: counting on and back; comparing quantities; comparing numbers and filling in missing numbers on a number line.
We then move on to addition and subtraction within 10.
Numbers to 100: counting on and back, recognising tens and ones; partitioning a 2-digit number; counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s
We then move on to addition and subtraction
We start our Topic in Y1 and Y2 with a Geography themed project around our local area and how we can look after our school and local environment. This is based on the the text Tidy by Emily Gravett.
Please come and talk to your child's class teacher if you need any further information.